Client end user training

We provide training for employee use of current, industry standard IT systems, hardware, and software for our clients, whether for new hires or company-wide; we focus on what our clients need to be successful.
Optional add-on training and support for your industry specific software applications may also be provided when appropriate.
Cyber security training
There’s no such thing as being “too safe”
According to cyber security statistics, up to 60% of hacked small and medium-sized businesses go out of business after just six months
The global average cost of a data breach is $3.92 million
Phishing is the number one security threat to businesses. Frequent and consistent security training is vital to ensure client knowledge retention and refreshment to reduce the likelihood of end-users falling for a costly phishing attack
The benefits of cyber security-aware employees for companies include:
Creating a sense of confidence and protection for employees, whether working in office or remotely
Increased workforce awareness and improved network performance
Protects your business from the dangers of costly data breaches, network attacks, and ransomware threats
Teaches the workforce actionable skills (i.e. password changes, filtering suspicious emails, internet site browsing) to be proactive in preventing hacking or falling prey to phishing scams
On-Demand learning
We provide user-friendly, on demand training designed to educate your workforce specifically to fortify your companies human element in the cyber security process. We train employees to recognize and be prepared to respond to phishing, social engineering, email scams, compromised passwords, and weak network security.
Our goal is to engage your workforce when they are best able to learn. The online availability of training courses means they can be completed anytime, anywhere, at the learner's own pace, and courses can be repeated as often as necessary.
Annual Training Certification
To keep employees up to date on how to protect themselves and your business whenever they are online, and ensure they are aware of new or emerging threats and attack techniques, all employees are required to complete cyber security training at least once a year.