Believe it or not, you may need protection from your own employees, and they need to be protected too. We can help...
Having your employees work remotely can be incredibly convenient, but it is can also be a major concern for many companies. From phishing schemes and weak passwords to unencrypted file sharing, unsecured home Wi-Fi networks and working from a personal device, your information can be put at risk in many ways when unknowing employees are working remotely.
With today’s workforce transitioning from the secure server environment to remote work sites employees become more vulnerable to hackers and sophisticated phishing scam. It can be difficult or confusing for workers to know how to continue to work securely. We can provide annual and/or ongoing cyber security awareness training for your employees to teach them how to:
Detect and avoid phishing scams
Implement multi-factor authentication protocols
Improve their company passwords
Provide email encryption and secure file-sharing platforms
Implement best practices for work performed on personal devices, and
Implement a variety of cyber security platforms for antivirus/anti-malware/anti-spam detection.
We can also assist you with options for remote worker router software updates, home network encryption, and firewall options. Together, these practices reduce the overall risks any of these weaknesses pose to your data security.